These articles explain basic concepts, and offer critiques of existing theories, papers and reports or original thoughts of our own, including extracts from essays/papers submitted to educational establishments.

I recently read the paper, "All Real Life is Encounter: On the Sustainable Relevance of Being Surprised and Affected" by Peter F. Schmid.

Rogers outlines the following six conditions required to exist and continue for constructive personality change to occur:

Empathy is a cornerstone of the person-centred counselling (PCT) approach developed by Carl Rogers. It is one of the three core conditions within the six necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic change. Empathy refers to the therapist's ability to deeply understand and resonate with the client's subjective experience and communicate that understanding back to the client in a supportive, non-judgmental manner.

Congruence, also known as therapist congruence or genuineness, is a foundational element in person-centred counselling. It refers to the therapist’s ability to be authentic, transparent, and true to themselves within the therapeutic relationship. Congruence is one of the three core conditions in Carl Rogers’ framework, which are part of the six necessary and sufficient conditions for effective therapeutic change.

The actualizing tendency is a psychological concept that humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers introduced. It refers to the innate drive within every individual to move towards growth, fulfilment, and realization of their full potential.

Carl Ransom Rogers (1902-1987) was an American psychologist and one of the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology. Born in Oak Park, Illinois, the fourth of six children in a devoutly religious family, Rogers displayed a love for learning and excelled academically. He attended the University of Wisconsin, earning a bachelor's degree in history in 1924.

Unconditional positive regard is a key concept in Carl Rogers's person-centered therapy. It refers to the therapist's acceptance and support of the client without any conditions or judgment. This involves showing genuine care, respect, and non-possessive warmth towards the client, regardless of their thoughts, feelings, or actions. Unconditional positive regard is one of the three Core Conditions of person-centered therapy.

A difficult lesson to learn when first training to become a person-centred counsellor is how unhelpful it is to try and "help" your clients.